Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I hope today will be easier.
Plural kit stopped working.
Name: Calypso
Pronouns: They/them
Nickname(s): Callie, (whatever is relevant to profile)
Music taste: Various genres
Favorite song: "Internet Overdose" (Needy Girl Overdose)
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite things: Gaming, cosplay, anime, drawing, cuttlefish
Not Favorite Things: Large crowds, loud things, ugly ass discriminators
Frequent Fronter
I'm a highly frequent fronter of the system (Zero Dark 30). Oftentimes, I'm the one people interact with unless otherwise stated. If you see someone using a miscellaneous profile, such as this one, chances are it's me. I don't have a specific one I use to identify myself. If you're ever uncertain, just ask. I usually co-front with Aszerè. -
Work was a mess, but I'm here now, so I guess i survived. We're still questioning that lol
I'm scared because I have to fill my therapist in on everything. (For context, I have three different therapists now. One of them doesn't know about this because it happened while we were unable to see each other.) I'm scared because it's hard to explain what's going on without sounding stupid.
Even yesterday when I talked to one of my therapists who were aware, I felt nervous and a little weird about mentioning any of this.
I'm still scared about saying anything here. It's all new to me. No, I don't know everything. I only know my own experience. The rest I learn along the way.
I'm just a ball of anxiety right now...
Well, that went badly.
In short, she's scared to handle me because of the various triggers I have.
Am I that bad? Now I just feel like a broken, ugly, worthless, disgusting thing nobody wants to be around.
What did I even do?
At least I'm still present. Depressed, but present...
I'm getting a fox necklace for my friend!
I've been sleeping a lot. It's like I can't motivated myself to get up.
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