Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
It's almost noon and I still haven't eaten or taken my meds.
How does one pondering life while sleeping? Even my dream self does nothing but monologue and observe life around itself.
Maybe one day I'll feel better, but for now, I do what I must.
Despite everything, still, nobody cares.
It's like nothing I do matters because in the end, the help isn't helping.
I should make some comfort food.
I made some comfort food.
Helped calm down a bit.
I'm here. Hopefully i can get my internet fixed by Monday.
I am uncertain of what to do. Clearly something isn't working here. I've been processing too much today. It was more than I realized.
I am stressed.
Everything. Has it been okay? Will it be okay?
I am concerned.
I feel unsteady.
I believe my friend is right, though.
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