Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I'm just not really hungry. That's all.
This is actually my favorite song despite him not being named.
Heo Young Saeng— "Crying" -
*One of my favorite songs
My brain is not working -
I've clearly been thinking too much today.
I feel as though the anxiety is coming back.
What is happening?
I'm really excited about the pin coming in tomorrow.
It's gonna look so cute!
Um, so, I don't really remember much of today. I'm sure if I look back at the thread pages, I might remember some of it.
Looks like a lot of nothing and stress.
I had some weird dreams last night. None of them made sense, but they weren't bad or anything. Just weird.
I need to eat breakfast because nom.
I ate very late.
I really want to skip my meds today.
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