Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Name: Makoto
Pronouns: He/him
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite Music: Videogame music
Favorite Song: It's Going Down Now (Persona 3 Reload)
Favorite clothing: Business casual/school
Alter Type: Fictive/Protector
Formation: Due to extreme stress/panic/danger
Kind, quiet, calm, thoughtful. Obsessed with music. Introverted. Intuitive and observant. Enjoys studying languages. Keeps calm under intense situations in order to protect the body from harm. -
New page, I guess.
I don't know what to do tonight. It's already a little late, but oddly enough, I'm not sleepy yet.
I jinxed myself talking about sleep.
So now we're laying down in bed.
And still listening to the same song from 5 hours ago.
I'm utterly normal about this song.
Gotta get smart if you wanna be with the red haired girl
I ate today, so that's good. I really want to get that gekkkoukan high patch for the blazer I'm ordering. I think it would look good. I'm just worried about my family commenting on how I formally dress, which is rather different than the body's normal gothic style. I have more of a business casual school style, and we don't have any clothes like that. So I have to buy some.
Not sure how I'll put the patch on, though, since I don't have a sewing machine. I feel like it'll be really hard to get the needle through the embroidery.
Maybe if I got the pin instead it would be easier. But the pin isn't colored. It's just grey, and I don't like that.
The pins are $28 while the patch is only $9. I feel like the patch is more worth it since it's more detailed anyway.
could I see the patch? I want to get an idea of thick the patch might be
some of my patches were pretty thick and it was such a pain getting some of them sewn
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