Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I woke up 30 minutes ago and ended up staring off or something.
Now I'm wondering if I should go back to sleep.
I might. I can barely keep my eyes open.
It's going. Not sure where, but it's going.
Yeah. I'm tired.
And so I did.
I need food but I don't feel like getting up.
Guess nuggets will work...
It's just the way I'm made.
One of these days, I'm going to get an mp3 player so I can listen to my music without wifi.
Internet is broken.
I don't know what to make of this. I'm thinking.
Sleepy again.
Haven't done much.
My necktie is going to be here today instead of tomorrow. That's nice, but I'd rather it be my journal getting here early.
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