Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
It's always dead. 200 people and it's always dead.
I am uncomfortable.
Very bad at socializing.
I'm not really sure what else can be done when I feel this way.
I want to socialize but I feel too anxious to try again.
I don't know what to do.
I'm just so bad at that.
The shirt is also coming today, it seems.
Again I'm upset. I really just wanted my journal. But I'm getting everything but that.
Actually, why did one package arrive now and the other later? Does that mean two different Amazon trucks are delivering them?? That doesn't make sense.
Worse. It's a random man in a car.
He better not leave it on the poarch.
Am I hungry?
He left it on the poarch...
Would it be possible to not leave my package sitting in the snow?
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