Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Maybe it'll be here tomorrow? But it should've been today. I won't sleep if I don't have it.
I bought food, but I am not hungry... logically, I should be since I didn't eat much this morning and it's been 7 hours, but I don't like eating.
The body was hungry when I bought the food. I suppose i have to eat the food...
I will try... -
Food was consumed.
So, now what should I do?
I am tired, but I don't know if the body will sleep.
I am devoid of all emotions, both good and bad. I feel nothing.
Today at work, I was triggered by a very inappropriate topic. So I've been here since.
It happened as soon as i walked in. The body wanted to turn around and walk back out the door.
There's no work for a bit though, sp hopefully things will settle down.
I feel neutral, I suppose.
I am not sure what to do with my free time.
I just realized, I don't think I have any hobbies.
I do not. I mainly just use my time processing. I'm not sure what to do about this. I don't really know what I like.
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