Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I forgot what I was doing again. 🤨
Chicken pot pies? >O
Hey. What happened to my face?
Not chicken pot pies. You've failed me, world.
What should I do now?
Oh, I like peppermint.
Should I play Metroid?
So, this weekend was really hard for me. I wasn't feeling too social after what happened. I'm still recovering, so please be gentle, world.
I'm still feeling sad, though.
And I really want to play Love and Deepspace, but my internet isn't working well enough to download the update.
I need something to happen so I don't feel so sad. It's just been a really bad week for me.
I wish it would load a little faster.
It's stressing me out, but I guess something is better than nothing. I shoukd at least be able to play by tonight.
I mean, it's almost halfway there.
I'm trying to stay calm, but it's hard to stay calm. I'm stressed.
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