Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I go bed soon?
I need a nap.
I napped.
Today was not good.
And then I have to work tomorrow. I'm not happy.
I feel like I worked all weekend in my mind.
I have the biggest sad and it won't go away.
I just at some cookies and I'm not even hungry.
I feel like crying. I never did cry last night. I don't want to call out, but I'm not okay. I can't call out tomorrow....
I can't afford to call out. I can already feel the ridicule from it.
I just want to die. I'm tired of dealing with this.
Everything hurts. I'm not okay, but i have to pretend to be just because everyone goes through things and they still keep going so I should too...
Eating makes me feel sick.
I think the problem is that I've been off my meds since Thursday because the Insurance screwed up and didn't want to cover my meds until after I ran out. There was nothing I could do about it and I'm starting to feel the effects of it.
It's my fault.
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