Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I should probably take a shower, but i just don't have the motivation.
I think maybe I will soon. My head is starting to feel less clouded.
Maybe the shower will have to wait. It seems I've already spent some time daydreaming. Oops.
I took a shower. I feel refreshed now.
I need a snack before the other thing happens.
Ate a snack.
I suppose I got through the hardest part of the day? I'm not actually sure what the hardest part of the day is/was.
Out of habit, I said no.
I figured out the worst part of today. It just keeps happening as the day progresses.
I'm done.
So I took more medicine.
Because I forgot to take it earlier.
I feel calmer now.
I am unable to cry.
And this simple fact guides me with a strong urge to self-destruct
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