Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Sorry. Lyrics are taking over my brain in the middle of thinking.
Forgot to add in my bio I'm masculine presenting, but that's probably not important.
Wherever I go, I want to stay on campus. I think it'll help me focus. When I'm home, I don't like to do my homework. I mean, I obviously get it done 'cause I got a B in math. I'm satisfied with that.
But I think it's time to go full time even though having more exams will really stress me out.
I don't know. School stresses me out. A lot of things stress me out. I was stressed at work today and pretty much nothing happened. I think I'm just chronically stressed.
I keep zoning out and then coming back at the same part of the song.
I need friends, but I don't know how to find friends. It's hard to find friends where I live.
Nobody asked. I just said stuff.
It's a little upsetting that I have to pay completely for my own school, but I guess I shouldn't expect my parents to, even though parents typically save for college???
I don't know.
It's always like this, isn't it? I'll leave it be. It's okay.
Kinda feel like trash now, but whatever.
Yeah... This is why I should go back to school...
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