Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I was too late.
I don't know...
Maybe some day...
No validations today.
Just a sad sack of flesh trying voids hardest.
Idk what just happened.
My stomach hurts.
It's okay to feel sad, maybe...
I think I'm too much sometimes.
It's a long way down if you fall
And it's a long way up if you don't
Cause it's a long way down if you fall
And it's a long way out so I sit in the center and I ponder my disinterest in it all -
Why is that always the result no matter what quiz I take?
Well, now I don't give a s---.
I may not know what I'm worth, but i know I'm worth more than the immaturity and disrespect I just received.
Anyways, i need to go to bed but I'm not sleepy. Help.
Another one...
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