Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Honestly, there are times where the body doesn't use grounding techniques to bring itself back because most of the alters are helpful. Like Onyx. Void takes the place when nobody else wants to front and void keeps the body safe. Maybe Onyx is a protector. And I'm here when the body needs to chill out. The only concerning alters are Maelyn and Phantom.
Cucumbers on a floaty.
I don't know why. Just cucumber slices on a pool floaty. That's what my brain thought of.
I don't even like cucumbers.
I mean, I don't hate them, but I don't like them either.
I gotta go do that thing.
I didn't want to do the thing, but I did it.
Did you know?
And now you know
Yikes. I have a spooder on my face.
What's for dinner?
Well, I'm glad to not be at work.
At least it's a small one tonight.
Hey, I'm actually pretty hungry.
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