Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
All I do is be anxious and depressed.
I think I'm okay now. My food is digesting just fine, and the bloating is going away.
Apparently emetophobia is rare, so why did I have to have it?
It started back when I was five. Twice in one year I got sick because I ate too much. I was ashamed, scared, embarrassed. I felt disgusting. Almost every time I eat, now, I think about it. It's hard for me to enjoy food. Sometimes I don't eat enough just because of this fear. I refuse to eat at new places because I'm afraid of getting sick. I don't like eating new foods or brands that have been recalled before. I'm just scared of food in general.
I just wish people understood how triggering things are for me. I just get picked on for this.
I feel sad because I'm the only one in my family like this. I can never get over it no matter how many times I'm exposed to it.
I want to say I'm okay, but I feel like crying.
Why do I feel like this?
I need to think about something else.
I feel calmer but sad.
What profile do I want to use for my intro? -
I have to look through my list to see which ones we have.
I just realized the collective doesn't have a name. That's why we use "host".
Um. Huh. We need a name...
In my last intro, I only introduced as Callie because Calypso was fronting.
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