Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Time to do some digging for names, then.
I redacted my name because I got uncomfortable after a while.
The fact that my name changes every few years... Probably why I should never change my legal name. You can only change it 3 times, after all.
Idk. I want a neutral name. Peace sounds like a girl name, doesn't it?...
You know what? I'm thinking too hard. It's not a legal name change, so I can use whatever i want, and what I choose...
And in that case, maybe i should use a different profile.
I made my intro. Good job, me.
Yes, I only changed to the Marth profile for aesthetics in my intro. No I'm not sorry lol
. . .Good morning, world.
I'm supposed to go do that thing again.
I did it. Dun worry, u dun have to withhold ur praise.
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