Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Peppermint usually calms me down. Maybe that will help.
Okay. I feel calmer.
I have a really bad fear of overeating because I have emetophobia. I ate a little more than I usually do because I was really hungry, then I was afraid I ate too much because I feel bloated, but it's probably just the cheese because cheese always does that to me.
I feel stupid now. People always make fun of me for this.
I hate myself.
I feel so dumb for freaking out.
Now I just feel depressed.
I need to take my mind off of this.
I need to figure out which profile I'm going to use for my intro. It's very important. I also need to figure out when to write it.
It's supposed to be my main, so I guess Angel Breaking, but I don't really want to use that one for my intro.
I should probably put my night clothes on so I can be comfortable.
I need a hug. This week has not been great.
I really need to calm down.
I keep panicking over nothing important.
Why have I been like this?
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