Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Uh-oh. Feeling kinda spacy.
Harmony is elusive. She isn't here often. Like, why did we let her start a thread? Actually, it was more like she just decided to. Harmony decides to do a lot on her own. She and Aszerè are always getting into it because of that.
My therapist wants me to keep track of what the body does. It hasn't been very active lately, though. I think it was somewhat here when Onyx was fronting, but it's like the body's been hiding lately. Prolly cause stress.
I'm not much of a journaler.
What are we doing for the weekend, fam?
Prolly eating a bag of rocks.
Next week, I should finally have my bill paid.
Okay, body. Waiting for you to do something cool.
I don't want to do the thing tonight. Chances are I won't pay attention lol
I actually don't pay attention to much if it's boring. And this is a really boring thing.
Honestly, i didn't even know 16 people were active here.
It's gonna be hard to figure out who should introduce for it.
Hopefully Harmony will be back to do it. She's good with intros. Make it look nice.
I'll be getting refunded for the blazer that got canceled. But why did they cancel it? 😒
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