Z3R0's Profile
Joined on Dec 17, 2021
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
Z3R0's Quizzes
- How well do you know me?[published: Feb 09, 2022, 1 comment]
Hey, it's Z3R0. I've got a quiz for you guys. Humor me and tell me what you know about me. I'm looking……
Z3R0's Recent Posts
"I wonder if anyone will ever notice the theme difference between my two accounts..."
"Bleached my hair. Might have to do it again"
"Whenever I'm hanging out with others, I can't help but to keep comparing myself to them... They just always seem better... Then I spir"
"Chest ouchie... Can you please do a little less?..."
"I slept..."
"I can barely breathe... It's like I've been running around, but all I've been doing is sitting in bed, waiting for my stuff to get here..."
"It's hard and weird to express feelings."
"Pretty flags."
"I should've bought one more bottle of hair dye..."
"I'm going to try to bleach my hair, today. It was too dark for the color to take, last time."
"I hope you're taking time to rest."
"I must care for thread. 🥺"
"Most of my life now is sleeping when I'm not at work... Something's wrong..."
"Something must be wrong with me...."
Z3R0's Recent Quiz Comments
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