Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I'm having intense anxiety. I'm scared. My heart is racing and I'm shaking.
I can't calm down. I always get anxiety over the stupidest things.
I feel like crying. It's so stupid. I shouldn't be this anxious about it.
What if it happens?
It probably won't, but what if I'm wrong?
Make it stop
I can't calm down.
Every single feeling. Even the slightest scares me.
I took my anxiety meds but it still won't fix this.
I feel dizzy.
This is why I hate doing this so much. But I have to every single day.
Nothing helps.
I feel so stupid.
I need to calm down. I'm probably being irrational.
It doesn't hurt or anything, so I'm probably fine. And the cheese is probably the thing that's making me feel bloated.
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