Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Oh, cool. I can.
Are we feeling it now, Mr. Krabs? I don't know.
Yo, this place literally just died.
I'm funny.
Um, hello? What was that?
I don't remember what we did at work, but I think it was a decent day. It did drag, though.
For real, everyone just spontaneously died.
Edge of the world.
Hey, glasses shouldn't cost hundreds of dollars, okay? Especially when there are people who get to see clearly for free. I spent over 400 dollars on my last visit for glasses and prescription shades.
And now I have to buy new glasses for my new prescription.
I can understand paying the eye doctors for their time, but i don't understand spending hundreds on frames and lenses. What labor are the frames and lenses doing? Nothing. They don't check your eyes to make sure their healthy. They don't make your appointment. They shouldn't cost hundreds of dollars. That's just stupid.
Health care and inflation are whack.
I get that glasses shouldn't be free because it costs to get the materials to make the glasses, but hundreds of dollars ain't it.
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