Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I should probably do that thing now.
Too fast.
My ears.
I'm really tired. Not the sleepy kind.
Okay, so, I had to make a request to HR for it, but this guy gets the okay from the manager.
Oh, yeah. My packages.
Well, that sucks.
Aiden, you know it's not for sure
We'll spend time, we're on our own -
I honestly don't know how to feel about school.
If I go to back to school, I want to go to uni and stay on campus so I can actually focus on school. No more working, or only parttime. I might be able to find a better job for after school or something. Just something to make a little so I can pay for things while I'm away from home.
But uni is more expensive than community college. If I stayed at the hotel across the street, maybe that would work out. But hotels are expensive. I don't think I could pay for several nights like that. I couldn't make it a whole semester in a hotel at that rate.
Introduce real quick.
Name: Onyx
Pronouns: Void/voids/voidself
Favorite colors: Gold and grey
Favorite music: Various types depending on mood
Favorite song: "Aiden" by National Affair
Favorite clothing: Nothing in particular
Alter Type: placeholder
I have no solid personality. I'm really just a placeholder when none of the more developed alters are fronting. I'm here for the sake of someone being present. I'm usually here under high stress and triggering events just to manage. I'm often devoid of feelings and opinions. I don't have too many specific likes or dislikes. I'm not as developed as the other alters. -
Alright. So, I'm also scared to go back to school. I really want to pursue my degree so I can work my dream job, but...I just have an inexplicable fear of going back.
Yeah, $78 a night is crazy.
It could be months before I hold you
I just hope you don't forget me
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