Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I guess it'll be okay.
I wish I had pencil skirts.
I saw a really cute one. I might get it since it's only ten dollars.
Alright then.
I finally got my meds. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. But I feel a little better already knowing that I have what I need.
I don't know what to buy.
Dr. Phil.
Therapy is in an hour. Always excited for that.
I am sleepy, though.
I'm not okay.
My therapist asked me what would help me right now. At first, I didn't know, but as I went on, it revealed itself. What I need most is to fall apart. Bills and work and school and family... it demands me to stay together but I just can't. It's running me ragged. I need to just fall apart, let myself feel sad, be able to do nothing and sleep, not have to worry about being relied on for anything. I just need a break. The days I'm off aren't enough. This weekend proved that. I just need to be able to come undone so I can work on picking myself back up. I can't keep putting bandaids on what's breaking.
I'm just not allowed to do this.
How do I even get a break?
Well, were here now.
I might get some sushi today. Tastes good.
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