Nqrse's Profile
Joined on Jun 5, 2021
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Nqrse's Recent Posts
"What else are you planning to get"
"I almost spat my water out I swear I gave my phone the stupid dwayne the rock face💀💀💀"
"The Romand bare water and nu zero foundations are good but my personal favorite is the orange cushion foundation from tirtir but the romand ..."
"excuse me what someone said I reminded them of their gf"
"An entire makeup tutorial and stuff lmao"
"Do you have double lidded eyes? For beginners if you want to use eyeliner I recommend using an object like a q tip as a ruler And if..."
"What do you struggle with in makeup? I do my own makeup and my band members makeup for performances so I’d say I have okay experience"
"I’d start by wearing primer foundation blush, eyeliner and mascara. And a bit of lipgloss if you want to"
"The orange one is new but it’s my favorite and I’ve used them all Second is the silver cushion"
"Tirtir has very nice cushion foundations The pink cushion is high coverage and matte The orange one is in between as in its in the m..."
"We can be friends but I think im too far to perform im in uk"
"Oh im sorry"
"What sort of makeup products are you looking for Like a foundation or lip gloss or something else"
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