Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I'm doing my bestest.
I'm scared of spiders crawling up the vent.
This is taking forever. I am not a patient hooman bean.
If i have to stand here just to get LDS to finish updating, I will.
Just ten more percents...
I have had such a cruddy weekend. We are having Love And Deepspace. End of story.
I am going to be going to bed tonight listening to Zayne ASMR.
Why is there unzipping taking forever? Unzip the files already!
It just does whatever it wants.
I can't believe how long this is taking.
I think I just need to cry and go to sleep, if I'm honest.
I know it probably sounds stupid, but I haven't cried after everything that's happened and I feel like I need to.
I just need to cry. I would love some cuddles. Some food because I'm hungry.
Welp, the food is gone now. I was thinking about getting more, but I guess that's a no.
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