Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I've used up all my fun stuff money, though, so no more packages for a while.
I don't regret what I bought as far as items. They'll all be used for a long while.
I wish my journal would hurry up and get here though. I'm running out of pages in my Ame journal.
. . .
I should get a snack.
One time, I thought the and it it it a when the you know like
I'm tempted to draw, but I also feel like my art is trash.
Some days it looks good, but others, it doesn't turn out the way I want it, so I regard it as trash.
The darkest desires are resurfacing again...
I will never be a saint...
If only...
Someone is listening to music out in the snow(?)
Perhaps one of these days.
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