Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I have more clothes I want. They would truly fit me.
They haven't opened it yet, but they're excited in having a package alone.
They love it. š
I appreciate all my journals.
My journals are my safe place where I can say anything and feel my feelings without judgement. They're special to me.
Music, my love.
I like this remix.
I'm going to miss my internet working. Tomorrow is going to be so bad because of the weather.
I hope my taste buds will like dinner tonight. Being depressed makes my food taste bland. I'm in an okay-ish mood right now, I guess.
Hours later, I'm still listening to this same song.
And so it begins...
I'm scared to say anything. Nevertheless, I want to share for informational purposes. I don't have fictive alters. Fictives are alters that pulled their identity from any sort of character, game, media that they come across. Fictives can even be based off real people. But they are alters that pull personality traits from media sources they find helpful in order to help the body adapt and function. For example, someone might have a fictive based off Batman because they find his bravery helpful. Fictives carry traits that the body mostlikely otherwise would not have.
Idk if anyone actually reads any of this, though. But I just wanted to share that. Mainly for my own comfort I guess(?)
I also figured I could share as I learn things for myself as well.
Wow. Huge typo. I DO have fictive alters. Yeesh.
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