Samus's Profile
Joined on Mar 2, 2022
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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Samus's Recent Posts
"It's like nothing I do matters because in the end, the help isn't helping."
"Despite everything, still, nobody cares."
"Maybe one day I'll feel better, but for now, I do what I must."
"How does one pondering life while sleeping? Even my dream self does nothing but monologue and observe life around itself."
"It's almost noon and I still haven't eaten or taken my meds."
"I've been sleeping a lot. It's like I can't motivated myself to get up."
"I saw the therapist. He says it sounds like DID or OSDD. Now what?"
"I would love the post before the last one deleted. I should've put that in the vent thread."
"I'm exhausted."
"I saw the therapist. He says it sounds like DID or OSDD. Now what?"
"I guess we'll see."
"I see you, Cody. I'm just not able to socialize today. I'm sorry."
"Nobody ever really asked me."
"Samus is Nintendo's first playable female character. I love that so much."
"Never mind that. We changed the picture anyway."
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