Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I should probably log this for later. I should also go back and read what occurred.
She didn't do much today, from what i understand.
Name: Aszerè (Aa-zer-ray)
Pronouns: He/him
Favorite color: Grey
Favorite music: Citizen Solider, I Prevail, Lo Spirit, and Linkin Park
Favorite song: Let Me Be Sad
Calm and introverted. I protect the body and process trauma. I'm a reoccurring fronter and hold the most knowledge regarding the system. I tend to retain information and memories better than the other alters. I also co-front often to keep the other alters in check. My job is solely to protect the body. I tend to be quiet and a bit melancholic but also thoughtful.
I have nothing more to share. -
That should make things easier.
Harmony's favorite song is playing.
I don't think it'll bring her back though. I think everything just got too heavy for her. I apologize for bringing up those memories.
The body is hungry now, but I don't want to eat.
I believe she also likes this song.
I'm trying to get her to come back, but it's not working. I suppose only time will tell when she'll return.
For me, sometimes the amnesia is gradual where I slowly lose memory of what all occurred. Other times, it's like waking up from a dream and having no recollection whatsoever. It just depends on the severity of what occurred, I think.
Therapy is in two hours, just about.
Please work.
The connection is bad. I need it to hold up for therapy.
It seem to have fixed itself.
I don't even know what to say to these thoughts.
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