Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
What other platforms can I use? I want all da platforms.
I'm already using the top platforms. Sigh.
Now what?
How many songs should I have in my album?
I wish I had help, but then again, there's no gain from this. If I make money though, that would be awesome. It would help me a lot.
You know, I like how bro just disappeared off the face of the earth after I said something to him. There was no reason to talk to a kid like that.
How do I know if my FAFSA application was approved? It says processed.
Oh well.
We hit twenty views on the second song.
I'm actually really nervous now.
I might end up having to resubmit my application.
So many things are making me nervous today...
I didn't want to wait, and now we're in this predicament.
I have a headache.
I feel stuck.
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