Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Why ate you so sad, brain?
This one isn't the usual upbeat song. The lyrics are actually a little sad. It's about my friend i haven't seen in 10 years. We didn't have a fight or anything. We both just got really busy and lost contact and I currently have no way of reaching out to him.
However, i want to make the music sound upbeat. Maybe I'll also release this one as the original and the upbeat sounding one as a remix.
Yep. That's my song for the day done.
Time to check the stats of my song.
Fourteen views and four likes. I want to wait until we hit twenty before I release my next song. I want to make sure there's an audience.
Thanks for the four new subscribers. Two of whom I know, and two I do not. -
Can we do it? I think we can do it!
Usually when we make music, Harmony is also fronting. It's just a matter of how present she is. Right now, the body is most present. It's been a bit since I've been present like this.
Actually, i might release the song i made today. I'm working on two different albums at the same time. That's what's going on. I think i might release more songs for Harmony before I start releasing for the next album.
All songs in harmony have some sort of personal theme while the next album is more atmospheric and background music. -
Oh my gosh! Two more views and we'll hit twenty!
I actually like the remix version. Sounds fun.
Decided to upload The Remix even though nobody is really watching yet. I really think it's catchy. I didn't like it while I was making it, but I really like the outcome.
I hope more random people listen to my music ♡
One day, I'm gonna be so cool!
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