Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I wish we could make a pronoun page for each alter.
That would be a lot of work. I do not feel like doing so.
I will try my best not to repeat words or phrases I hear. It is a habit.
I am stumped on how to get more views for the music.
I think i will start uploading to Spotify. Perhaps that will help.
On second thought, filling out tax form for Spotify is a pain.
Shall I shower tonight?
Shall I try socializing this weekend?
I would like to think that Madi is my friend. I just don't really interact too often(?)
How does one be mindful of their emotions when they do not currently feel anything?
yeah sure, we can be friends
That would be nice.
I decided to go through with it. I'm going to upload my music to Spotify. It can get monetized that way.
It's worth more to pay ten dollars for an entire album rather than ten dollars for a single.
So, anyway. Wait, I like this song.
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