Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
How can I make this stop? I'm pretty much terrified of eating or touching things now.
I know this fear has to be irrational, but it still seems convincing.
The facts are that people have been eating it frequently, nothing has been reported, even my coworkers eat it and nothing was wrong. Why am I so anxious, though? -
Maybe some music will help.
I really want to share my song, but I'm not ready to post it yet. It's too soon. And I don't want to post things at night when nobody's awake to see it.
I'll just share it with my friend to see what they think.
I'm uploading another song, but I'm too tired to advertise for it tonught, so I'll do it tomorrow when people are actually awake. I'll add it to my music thread here, though.
It's not the banger of a song Harmony mixed up today. That one will be released a bit later.
I lied. I advertised for it tonight. I'll do it again tomorrow, probably.
I feel like I'm posting my music straight into a void.
Maybe one day I'll have more than two people watching me.
The anxiety is gone, so there's that. Music really did help. Well, it's still there a little, but mainly not.
Now, how am I going to sleep?
I'm too excited. I want to share my song.
I have a feeling this new album is going to be it.
I drew my pfp. It doesn't look that great, though. Sucks.
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