Artistic Heavens's Profile

Artistic Heavens
Joined on Jun 16, 2023
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
Artistic Heavens's Quizzes
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Artistic Heavens's Recent Posts
"I think we're okay."
"I was going to post a link, but i forgot what of."
"How does one do that?"
"Hey, guys! Just dropped another song! So cool! Come check out Again..."
"I like this playlist."
"We're listening to random songs."
"I wonder what we're about to do."
"I'll probably upload a single when I have money, but not next week."
"So, anyway. Wait, I like this song."
"It's worth more to pay ten dollars for an entire album rather than ten dollars for a single."
"I decided to go through with it. I'm going to upload my music to Spotify. It can get monetized that way."
"Why are you even here then, in the nicest way possible?"
"Le1f was a bully."
"Someone's been in my room again. I never close that door..."
Artistic Heavens's Recent Quiz Comments
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