Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
So, what I've learned so far:
They're neutral, don't talk much, but not totally nonverbal like Mouse. They're chronically tired, not a deep thinker, devoid of emotion like Onyx, and don't respond to music. -
I really can't do much. I don't know who I'm fronting with. It always makes me uncomfortable when I don't know them yet.
Thank you for telling me your name. But what do you do?
Today has been confusing.
You're really not making this easier.
I know i should probably be more patient. Phantom was like this too. I just don't like not knowing what they do and who they are.
Right now, I'm just listening to music, trying to see if Arrow reacts to any of it. Also looking at art to see if they resonate with anything.
Oh well.
It's probably fine. I don't feel like eating now.
I feel sad, tired, stressed, and lonely. But I don't really know what's wrong with me.
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