Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
The song's missing something.
Why is it that the songs I'm not feeling the most are the ones that people listen to?
So, I switched out the electric guitars because I wanted it to fit closer to the albums synth feel.
That's another song out for the album. Put 'em on display like candy.
Wow. Just like that, my one random subscriber says the new video is his favorite. Huh.
Oh. When did I get another sub?
This has to be someone who knew of the site prior to posting.
I don't know how to help. Hopefully they'll find someone who can.
The first non-human alter.
I feel very comfortable here.
Nobody else wants to front, I'll happily do it. I like being here.
Wait and see and hope the stats are better for the songs. I'll upload it here later. I don't want to right now.
Woof-woof, b----.
Whatchya gonna do about it?
I think I'm mentally spicy but verbally quiet.
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