Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
The veterans already have a month. It's December. Don't f---ing touch my pride month.
Whatever. Just stop making me angry, fingers. You keep typing the wrong things. We were supposed to do this 🤘
I'm making a Twitter. Aszerè doesn't want me to, but I wanna make fun of Trump.
I probably won't openly do that since I'll get banned, though. Sucks ass.
Sucks. Apparently someone got mad over a game and left the server. Now some other drama is going on.
It's like every time I pop in some s--- or another is happening.
I'm personally not effected by it because I don't engage in the drama, but holy s--- a lot happens.
I admit, I do watch, though, because who wouldn't? Some of it is kinda stupid.
My friend sure does have a lot of friends. They get to see their friends every day.
I need to introduce, but I don't feel like it lmao
It's the 27th and my package still isn't here. Lame.
It's so boring today.
I can't say what I'm thinking right now, but we need that to happen.
Do you think it's cute that I'm so f---ing stupid
Tell me that it is cause I'm tired of being useless
I've been up for three nights, everything is haunted
Everyone is evil and there's bugs inside the carpet.
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