Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I'm not okay. I can't stop cleaning. I'm not okay. My coworker scared me. I'm scared. I don't want to get sick. I have to keep cleaning.
I need to wash my bedding, but it's something late in the day.
I've cleaned everything but I still feel like i need to clean.
I'm okay!
I can't find anything else to clean, but I feel like there's more.
How do I stop this?
I'm trying to stay in bed so I don't get up and clean anything else. They're probably wondering why I'm suddenly cleaning after leaving a mountain of trash in my room.
I'd wash my hair, but I'm out of shampoo. I should take a shower before bed.
People drank bleach during covid. It didn't help. But I wonder what would happen if I bathed in bleach.
I spent an entire hour doing who knows what and now it's 5...
I've been worrying for 15 minutes.
I'm trying to calm down. I cleaned everything.
I don't know what else to do now.
I'm so hungry I feel shaky.
Zayne is so fine, tho, wtf?
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