Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
No, because I actually hate Caleb.
Today we're going to get my official autism results. Pretty sure I am, but it's mainly for the sake of my parents so they can stop telling me I'm making things up.
I mean, they don't directly say it like that. It's more like they say I'm not because I don't have proof, which is pretty much the same thing, right?
No matter what the result are, I'll still be the coolest angel.
It's a rainy day.
I feel like yesterday this thread was at 20 pages and also your parents suck
I know. I post here a lot!
Also, I don't think my parents suck. We just don't always see eye to eye. And mental health is always stigmatized, especially by people who don't experience these things for themselves. -
that's a better outlook that I could ever have.
makes sense, maybe getting the diagnosis will stop your parents from telling you that you don't have it -
this might be a weird question, but how did you go about getting tested? is it just as simple as asking your therapist? i’m interested in getting tested myself
Well, I told my therapist i wanted to get tested, but I had to find a place for myself that was in network. It luckily didn't cost a fortune. But you can probably call your insurance company and ask for referrals. But you actually don't have to ask anyone for permission to get tested.
oh okay, that’s good to know thanks
am i allowed to ask what the test actually is? idk if that’s breaching any confidentiality sorry if it is -
It's a lot of cognitive testing, and not so much environmental and emotional/social, so it's honestly lacking to me. But it's stuff like pictograms they expect you to match, mathematical equations, reading words, and determining expressions.
Because the social and behavioral side wasn't observed in the testing for me, they couldn't make a determination, but my cognition was pretty good, minus math and social cues. So that was really stressful. -
I just feel so done right now. Wasted my money.
I want to make a new thread, but i also want to continue to use this one. What do i do?
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