linhthetwin's Profile

Joined on Mar 30, 2023
Status Level: Junior
linhthetwin's Quizzes
- would you survive a dystopia roleplay quiz[published: Nov 21, 2024]
this is a dystopian roleplay quiz to prepare you and see if you would survive in the……
- are you going to heaven or hell[published: Oct 15, 2024, 2 comments]
dfhbkjfdnvfdkj jdshvkj l fdjknvfdkjfeitu scuvndv xkjtrrnvnrjc xjhfghurn kxenjnv sjrvnn sjjfvdn……
quiz tests about certain topics
this category is full of quizzes with test like qualities about stuff i know about and i hope you enjoy
- stuff about jews[published: Nov 20, 2024, 1 comment]
this is a super easy quiz about how much you know about judaism take this quiz for fun but remember to rate and……
- how much do you know about kotlc[published: Oct 30, 2024, 2 comments]
i love keeper of the lost cities it is a great series you can tell by my name you should not……
- stuff about jews
- would you be my friend?[published: Oct 31, 2024, 2 comments]
How it works: people who take your quiz will score between 0% and 100%. They'll be shown a different……
- how pretty are you (girls only)[published: Oct 29, 2024]
hi this is a true unbiased quiz to show how beautiful you are the percent doesn't matter only……
linhthetwin's Recent Posts
"yay it works sorry for spamming i'm an idiot sorry thank you sorry bye"
"colored text"
"oh [color=mediumorchid*]hi i got it to work i'm an idiot [/color]"
"[color=mediumorchid*]colored text[/color] hello would anyone want to talk"
"anybody home"
"[poll.S9Bw] how to cook humans and trolls Take a bunch of trolls. kill them by a swift beheading remove the bones and skin ..."
"but seriously julia roberts in erin Brockovich..."
"so i just (not just on election night{american}) watched a movie called two weeks notice with hugh grant a..."
"every one tom holland zendaya Timothée Chalamet"
"a new bed like frame and matrass"
linhthetwin's Recent Quiz Comments
"people who say they are feminists but then want women to have more power over men are b.s the only reason feminism is about women is…"
In response to Zimswife:
"Twenty percent feminism,seems about right sense…"
1 -
"neutral good which alllllll my friends agree i am"
1 -
"did you become a doctor in 8 years"
In response to Susi:
"It says doctor . And i actually wanna become a…"
1 -
"no read harry potter then salem witch trials to to get them connected to witches then traumatize them"
In response to Murderer69:
"That's right Josh and Sara today you're…"
1 -
"9% i laughed at the alphabet joke"
1 -
"ambivert witch is me 100% and everyone knows it"
1 -
"You are 81% good at babysitting! 81%
You're a good babysitter! Lili and Devin are brats, but you managed to keep your temper and…"
1 -
"Purple 88%
The colour purple has various meanings, such as wisdom, power, spirituality, luxury, wealth, and nobility. It is also…"
1 -
"water fairy 93% i am kind and i love rain so yess great quiz
Water fairies are kindhearted and laid back. They have an affinity…"
1 -
"36% and genetically 0% so yeah fun"