would you be my friend?

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How it works: people who take your quiz will score between 0% and 100%. They'll be shown a different result message based on their score. The scale on the right below shows you which result message will get displayed for which score range.

ok are you my friend lets see this is a joke and i'm sure i would like you unless you get less the 30% we should talk please comment love you have fun

Created by: linhthetwin
  1. are you homophobic
  2. are you antisemetic
  3. do you like to read
  4. will you talk about book boyfriends/crushes, conspiracy theory's, and politics with me
  5. would you enjoy some friendly debates
  6. do you like anime
  7. do you want to be my friend
  8. ok thank you
  9. bye
  10. ready for result
  11. what is the name of the Egyptian sun god

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