how pretty are you (girls only)

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hi this is a true unbiased quiz to show how beautiful you are the percent doesn't matter only the response i give you. take this quiz in good health and have fun

i honestly made this for fun so please just take this lightheartedly and this is just a quick short quiz so have fun!!thank you for taking this quiz and without further ado enjoy

Created by: linhthetwin
  1. what eye color do you have
  2. what hair color do you have
  3. do you have freckles
  4. what clothing would you most likely wear
  5. what is the state of your nails
  6. how do you wear your hair
  7. what jewelry do you wear
  8. has anyone had a crush on you or liked you
  9. do you think your pretty
  10. what size are you
  11. ok thank you for taking this quiz ready for your result

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I (girls only)
