would you survive a dystopia roleplay quiz

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this is a dystopian roleplay quiz to prepare you and see if you would survive in the event of ninety percent of the world's population disappearing so have fun

overnight ninety percent of the worlds population disappears the energy goes out and the international space station as well as all the satellites crash int earth would you survive

Created by: linhthetwin
  1. you wake up one morning to find that half of the world's population has disappeared and the energy is out what do you do
  2. you cannot find your family/significant other/roommate anywhere so you assume in shock that they disappeared
  3. after the realization (however long it took) you are hungry so you check the running water (working) and the food in the fridge that is off (half spoiled) and your pantry
  4. you decide after your meal (if you ate) to check if the neighbors are still there and then go to the store to get food you step outside to find an corpse
  5. at the store you find it empty and decide to take as much food as you can carry
  6. you head home and pass a mall what 1 item do you steal
  7. you get back home to find a looter in your house what do you do
  8. after your response they are nowhere to be seen as you unpack your stuff and you realize they only stole some old clothing what do you do
  9. you find a little girl crying alone and decide to take her in she askes you for your help finding her parents
  10. you two become close until you are threatened by a man with a gun
  11. as he drops dead his gun goes off and you suddenly feel blinding pain you can barely think and the little girls voice gets farther away as you float in and out of consciousness
  12. your eyes open your head is pounding and your shoulder is on fire but you are alive
  13. the girl runs up to you crying and wraps your shoulder with antiseptic
  14. you survive over the years and watch her grow up
  15. she thinks of you as her great grandchild leaves for collage in a rebuilt world 100 ears later
  16. did you like this quiz
  17. thank you bye

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