how much do you know about kotlc

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i love keeper of the lost cities it is a great series you can tell by my name you should not take this if you have not read the full series comment who you think sophie's father is

this is so long its and eazy quiz have fun bye gks sjdhgir zxcjgre njcvjfng jsdghiuregbv dxmjvregb cjjjc d cmmndnbcnd cnncdjjdb cncjjsjdsjdn fdnvjfjdj

  1. who is the main character
  2. what species is a bodyguard for keefe
  3. where do the trolls live in the books
  4. what is the name of dexs bodyguard
  5. who is sophie's first kiss
  6. who is Wyle's cousin
  7. what is sophie's sister's original name
  8. what is lady gisella's power
  9. this was easy sorry anser 1 is correct
  10. who are twins

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about kotlc
