Are You a Feminist? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Are You a Feminist?
Twenty percent feminism,seems about right sense I feel like everyone should be treated equally no matter wut gender or race they are just as long as they didn't do no wrong. Cool quiz mate.
That's what Feminism is, mate. It's about equality.
people who say they are feminists but then want women to have more power over men are b.s the only reason feminism is about women is because they were the ones who were being discriminated against but feminism is all about gender equality for everyone
A feminist does not hate men. It's about equality and gaining rights and freedoms for women and such. I am a Marxist Feminist.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize he likes you.if you don't send this to 5 other quizzes you will have relationship problems for the next 10 years if you post this on 10 other quizzes you will get everything you want tomorrow. PS THIS REALLY WORKS!!!!
Of course Im a 0% because only my s---ty mind and body and the current state of affairs keep me from being more productive to society than I currently am.
You're 9% of a feminist 9%
You're not a feminist! In fact, you're against it! This is just great, congrats!! You're one in a million!
Great didnt think I was a feminist anyway
WalkingW2 -
Phew! 0% again, thank god.
Typical Ukrainian fascist supporter, from America no doubt. Feminism isn't bad. Feminism is about rights and equality, not hating men. Perhaps look less at these nonsensical liberal feminisms and more at Marxist Feminism.
69% when in reality, I'd be more, because I am.
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