What friend group would you be in at my school?

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(This is not an aphmau quiz). In this quiz, you can see what friend group you would be in at my school. Also, if these are cringe I'm sorry, I'm trying my best.

Results: The pikmi friend group, My friend group, Your alone, The bully friend group. I hope you get the one you want, and uh... take this quiz, i appreciate it, bai.

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Do you get bullied?
  2. What's your thought on sport?
  3. Favorite colour?
  4. Favourite mythical creature?
  5. Favourite animal?
  6. (I'm running out of ideas nooo!!) Favourite video game.
  7. Favorite breed of dog?
  8. Favourite cat breed?
  9. What job do you want?
  10. That's all for now bai!!

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