What aphmau character are you?

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Hi guys, welcome to my first quiz! What aphmau character are you? I don't have much results also I haven't seen much of mystreet, pdh, mcd or my inner demons, so they won't really be based of those Kay?

Results: KC, Zane, Aaron, Aphmau, Ein, Pierce, Noi, Garroth, Travis whoever you get just be happy if you don't get the one you want, if you do good for you!

Created by: Quizuser
  1. What's ur fav colour?
  2. What's ur fav hobby?
  3. Who's ur fav character?
  4. Who's ur fav wof pantala dragon tribe?
  5. What's ur fav mystreet season? No effect
  6. Fav ship?
  7. did u have fun?
  8. Let fate decide...
  9. JK! That's not the end! Fav mythical creature?
  10. Fav pokemon?

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Quiz topic: What aphmau character am I?
