Which Early MCD Character Are You?

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Find out which of the early MCD characters you are! This quiz will match you up with the personality of the character, not what they wear or experience. Enjoy!

Possible results: Aphmau~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vylad~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zenix~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Garroth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emmalyn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kiki~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brendan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KawaiiChan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laurence~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sasha~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Created by: Auronyx
  1. What’s your favorite color?
  2. What animal do you think represents you?
  3. How would others describe you as?
  4. In battle, what is your priority?
  5. How are you feeling today?
  6. Which do you prefer as a friend?
  7. Who would you like to see get together?
  8. Which do you prefer?
  9. Do you wish you had more?
  10. Are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Which Early MCD Character am I?
