How well do you know Aphmau?

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This quiz is for people who have watched Aphmau’s MyStreet series. This is not for people who have not watched it. There are 22 questions. There are 2 to 6 answer choices under each question

WARNING!!!!! This quiz contains spoilers of the series. If you have not watched the series yet, please do so before taking this quiz. After you have watched it, come back and take it!!! There are six seasons.

Created by: Rebecca Gilmore
  1. Starting with season 1, who does Aphmau live with?
  2. Why does Aphmau help Katlyn direct the neighborhood play?
  3. Who is Aphmau dating?
  4. On to season 2, where does the gang go for vacation?
  5. Who does the gang forget?
  6. What does Aaron ask Aphmau at the end of season 2?
  7. The beginning of season 3, why does the gang have to move to a new neighborhood?
  8. Why do Aphmau and Aaron break up?
  9. Why does Aphmau’s mom go to Aarons house?
  10. Why does Aaron say he’s going home if he is already at his childhood home?
  11. In season 4, who is the person covered in dark cloaks?
  12. Why does Aphmau try to kill Aaron?
  13. What do we find out Aaron is?
  14. In season 5, how do Aphmau and Aaron find each other?
  15. Why does Aphmau want to become a werewolf?
  16. Where does Aaron propose to Aphmau?
  17. To the final season, why are the Guardian Forces at Starlight?
  18. How does Aphmau die?
  19. Why does Aaron go on a rampage?
  20. How does Aphmau come back from the dead?
  21. What happens to Aaron after he comes back from being a relic?
  22. What does Aphmau say to Travis at the end of the show?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Aphmau?
