Which animal are you most like?

This quiz is designed to see which animal you are most like but please do not be insulted if you do not like your result. If you really do not like it, you could always try again afterwards.

When you have finished my quiz, please rate it accordingly and possibly comment though I found I could not when on other people's. There are four animals you could be in this quiz and please have fun!.

Created by: Freya
  1. How would your friends describe you?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. What food do you like the best?
  4. How tough are you physically?
  5. Are you social or a loner?
  6. What would you rather be on this quiz?
  7. What Harry Potter house are you in?
  8. What is your favourite time of day?
  9. Are you a therian?
  10. Which insult type do you use?(The typing in brackets at the end of the answer is an example)
  11. Did you like this quiz? This doesn't effect your score!

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Quiz topic: Which animal am I most like?
