How big of are Harry Potter fan are you?

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This quiz takes you on an adventure! You get questions asked about all the characters and different things! Take this quiz and you will find out what it’s like the live in the world of Harry Potter!

Are you a Harry Potter fan? Well let’s find out! To Start the quiz press the start button then answer the questions, at the end, you will get your score and a little message left by me. Have fun!

Created by: Kasey Hedley
  1. What is Harry Potter’s real name?
  2. What age did Emma Watson (hermione) want to kiss Tom Felton? (Draco)
  3. Which subject did Professor McGonagall teach?
  4. In what film, did Hewdig get killed?
  5. Who killed Dumbledore?
  6. Harry Potter died - True Or False?
  7. Who did Harry Potter have children with?
  8. Who is the Chosen One?
  9. Who killed Harry’s parents?
  10. How many films are there in total?

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Quiz topic: How big of are Harry Potter fan am I?
